Whether you’re scheduling your first piece or adding ink to an existing sleeve, there are a few basics that every customer ought to know.
Artist Rates
Our rates typically range from $150-$200/hr and tattoo minimum is $80.
Every artist in the shop decides individual pricing.
Simply put, hourly rates will vary based on expertise, availability, and more. It’s best you contact the shop and confirm with your artist before engaging in any work.
Our rates typically range from $150-$200/hr and tattoo minimums are $80. Please remember that every artist has spent years mastering their craft.
Scheduling Your Session
- First things first, clients must be 18 years or older. Parental consent is not required.
- Do some window shopping on social media to check out what Diego Artist Gallery has been up to and decide which portfolios you’re most attracted to.
- Call ahead to inquire about scheduling and consultation. You’ll be able to fill out all forms and processing digitally at the shop from there.
- Yes, a deposit is required to move forward and it’ll be contingent upon pricing.
- Walk-ins are accommodated to the best of the shop’s abilities